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Ассоциация коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока

The award was established by the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North in 2017. The medal is an award (a badge of distinction) of The All-Russian public organization "Association of Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" and is awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for special merits, personal courage shown in the protection of the rights, ancestral habitat and traditional way of life of Indigenous small-numbered Peoples, including for selflessness, bold and decisive actions shown in extreme situations, as well as the elimination of emergency situations associated with the risk to life. The Medal is awarded once a year. The persons awarded with the Medal receive cash bonuses.

The application for the award of the Medal must contain the award list in the form according to the Regulations, indicating the main reasons for the nomination of the candidate. The decision to award the Medal is made separately for each candidate by the Coordinating Council or the Congress of the RAIPON on the proposal of the President of the RAIPON. The President makes a presentation on the award of the medal on the basis of petitions submitted by the members of the RAIPON. The medal is a badge made of yellow metal and is awarded together with a license plate.