The Presidium of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North is the executive body which provides operational management of the RAIPON between meetings of the Coordinating Council for the implementation of decisions of the Congress and the Coordinating Council.
The Presidium carries out current and long-term planning of the RAIPON's activities; organizes and develops cooperation and relations of the Association with state, public, and other organizations; considers issues of preparation for the planned activities of the Association; considers proposals for awarding certificates of merit of the Association's activists; monitors the implementation of the planned activities of the Association.
The decisions of the Presidium are made by a simple majority of the votes of the Presidium members, with the presence of the quorum. The meetings of the Presidium are convened by the President of the RAIPON.
The Presidium consists of the President and Vice-Presidents
Grigory Ledkov
President of the RAIPON
Alexander Novyuhov
first vice-President of the RAIPON
Nina Veysalova
vice-President of the RAIPON
Yuri Khatanzeysky
vice-President of the RAIPON for the North-Western Federal District
Valery Vengo
vice-President of the RAIPON for the Development of Rural Territories-places
Arthur Gayulsky
vice-President of the RAIPON for the Siberian Federal District
Lyubov Odzyal
vice-President of the RAIPON for the Far Eastern Federal District
Andrey Krivoshapkin
vice-President of the RAIPON for the Development of Languages and Literature
Sergey Sizonenko
Anna Otke
Vladimir Klimov
vice-President of the RAIPON for Interregional Cooperation
Lyubov Peshperova
vice-President of the RAIPON for Business Development
Tatyana Romanova
vice-President of the RAIPON for Social Issues